Friday 10 December 2010


This digipak is very bright and vibrant, there are many colours in which stand out and will catch many eyes in the shop.The space theme goes through both front and back of the digipak, it looks very fun and professional. Even the CD its self is brightly coloured to match the case. Also the yellow text works well with the black background, and on the front cover the artist name is in bold white writing with a 3d effect stands out. This whole cover looks like they are in a fantasy world.

This digipak is the opposite to the first one as the colours are more dark. This cover has more of a magic feel to it because the man is wearing a white mask, also this could suggest he is maybe hiding something. the white on a black background works well and u can see the text clearly. The artists name is in graphite which is rather hard to read but over all a good digipak.
Lastly this digipak has more of a calm tone and a warm colour scheme to it and it has a blend of brown white and yellow and black. The picture of the guitar shows the genre of indie maybe rock. The writing is bold enough to see and the colour scheme travels all through out the digipak.

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