Friday 26 November 2010

Feed back from the rough cut

Our rough cut video compared to our finished copy is a lot better as it is more organised and we have added lots more shots from different angels and added more people to the video to make it look more like a relationship between two friends. In our video we only had a one angle shot in the studio, so what we had to do is use the clip that had no lighting and adjust them and add them to our clip to give the impression that it was shot on two different occasions. Even though the shots are darker, they needed to be added in order to keep the audience interested.
In our rough cut also we had a totally different idea to how the final edit is now, we was just going to focus on the friendship between two people but because it looked more of an obsessive friendship, so we added a clip of other people to break it up a bit. Lastly in our rough cut we had many pictures, we changed this because we felt like it didn't look right and didn't fit the song well. However we changed some of the sequence from colour to black and white.

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