Friday 1 October 2010

3.Examples and Analysis of videos. (Amplification,Disjuncture,Illustration)

Amplification-The Video introduces new meanings that do not contradict the lyrics but add layers of meaning. I choose this video due to the fact it is kind of confusing she is talking about making the one she loves,"feel her love" however in the song she also uses other metaphors and forms of description which makes you wonder what she is talking about. for example" & on the high way of regret"
Adele-Feel my Love

Disjuncture-Where there is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric. The video i choose was Pussycat Dolls-When i Grow up,i choose this video because there is no clear connection between the video and the lyrics. There is no clear connection between them and the videos there talking about when they grow up however there is nothing in the video showing when they are growing up or nothing that relates the lyrics to the video.
Pussycat Dollz-When I Grow up

Illustration-The video Tells the story of the lyric. In the video she goes through where she grew up and her memories and she shows this in her video.she stands in the middle and she has screens around her showing where she grew up.which relate to lyrics which she is singing. This makes the video very emotive powerful

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