Friday 15 October 2010

Pitch: Question 9

For my digipak i will be producing a 4 panel one and it will contain a front and back cover and also a inside cover which have one image of the artist and another image or patten which will go with the rest of the images.
On the front of my digipak i will have a close up of the artist face to show her confidence and on the back cover maybe a low angle shot to show her innocence's which will also include the artist other songs as well. I am considering doing the digipak in black and white as our video might be in black and white also, but i may re think this idea because colour stands out and i want my digipack to stand out to the target audience. In my advertisement it will include the front cover of the digipak to show the end product and also bold colourful writing and which will have information of where our video can be seen e.g YouTube. And social networks in which we will be advertising our video on.


            BACK COVER


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