Thursday 14 October 2010

My Answer of three questions

I plan to use the digital technology in the production of our three products . I plan for my package to help promote our artist and create a produced out come. The equipment and setting will help relate to that as the camera will clearly do our recording for the footage of our video. Finally after the video is complete I plan to blog it and use video to publicize the video. Possible receive feed back on the video, and get a positive response.

The three image which I have used re all different ways in which our video could be advertised.

During As i had learned a lot in sense of how to use final cut and sound track pro. Since being in a2 i have learned how to further my knowledge by cutting clips and adding them to photos and making a final product where they all flow at the same time. i have become more understanding and i have learned improvements on how to use our ideas all together and combine them into one great idea. for the best outcome of our video

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