Friday 1 October 2010

7.Reveiw Of a Students Work

I Watched A Video from a previous students work and i thought the audience was teenagers and young adults and the genre was funky. i thought the narrative of the music video was the fact that they want to have fun and just simply party hard. the music video was very good and also had a variation of shots and scene in it which made it interesting. there were girls in the video around the lead singer which made him look as if he had status as they danced around him and in a way looked like sex objects. as i thought they were seen to catch the viewers eye. there was good amplification and editing throughout the video that thought made it work well and come together properly in order for it to be a hit. finally it proved the point that young people just want to have fun . it ended well on the fact that it was just a dream. now i think this idea was smart because it could have reflected the fact that the young boy is living his life and his dream is actually what he hopes to be doing, enjoying his age and living it up.

Secondly i watched another video and it was a complete contrast from the first video i watched this was because it was all about girls they were the main singers and the kind of music was pop. the video in a sense was kind of a pop video which was a comedy i guess. the narrative i feel was for the viewers not to worry that everything will be okay, well that's what they said in their lyrics, however the video does not match the song as they were parading up and down the street and one of the girls tried to sell her body. finally the camera work was good ads there were extreme close ups and the angles were good and the scenery was well lit.

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