Monday 4 October 2010

Reflection Of Lip Synch Tutorial

These two pictures where taken during our lip synch tutorial task. The task was to create a video to a given song (my group's song was 'Ain't no stopping us now' by McFadden and Whitehead). We had to make sure that whilst shooting the video we were singing along to the song so that when it was time to edit it we would be able to put the backing track behind it to create the whole lip synch idea.

We used final cut  pro to edit our final video. My group however had a little problem because we forgot to shoot a scene all the way through to make the editing easier. But we eventually manager to make do with what we had had and create a video. We used markers on the soundtrack's timeline on a particular beat and lined it up with the same point as the lip synching so that it was in time with the music.

The photos above are just a few that we took whilst doing the project. The first is of Bridie and Marilyn who were reviewing a clip we had shot previously. The second picture is the actual brief for the project itself which included everything we needed to do and some useful tips on how to get the best results for what we were doing.

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