Monday 27 September 2010

Summary Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Andrew Goodwin believes that pop videos do not follow the traditional narrative analyses. He believes that pop videos aren't trying to be 'avant garde' (pushing the boundaries of what is deemed as being the norm), but that they approach narrative from a different angle as opposed to novels and films.

He believes that there are 3 reasons for different narrative structures and they are :
1. Pop videos are built around songs- and often songs to not pose traditional narrative structure
2. Pop videos use the singer as both the narrator and as a character
3.The singer often looks directly at the camera- this is an extension of music (music-hall) performance and trying to involve the viewer at home with the performance.

He said that pop videos rely on repetition and that the video who repeat itself in the same way as the song repeats choruses and lines. The repetition of song  parts have allowed audiences to become familiar with the genre making them have a certain expectation. The video would be played on TV and the song will be played on the radio, or even in adverts or even in films. This helps make the film familiar through repetition.

There are 3 types of relations between songs and videos: illustration, amplification and disjuncture

1. Illustration: this is where the video tells the story of the lyrics
2. Amplification: when the video introduce new meanings that do not contradict the lyrics but add layers of meaning.
3. Disjuncture: this is where there this is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradict the lyric

An example of Illustration : Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wana Have Fun:

An example of Amplication: 

An example of Disjuncture

Music Video Practice

Sunday 26 September 2010

2. Summary of Andrew Goodwin

Structure Of Music Video-Re thinking Narrative Analysis

He feels that traditional narrative analyse don't really apply to pop video's. This is mainly because they approach narrative from a different angle to novels and films.
The reason for the different narrative structures are
  • Pop videos are mainly built around songs. they don't pose traditional narrative structures(normality problem - resolution)
  • The pop videos use the singer as the narrator and character
  • the singer always keeps eye contact with the camera,this extends the performance, this is because it involves the viewer with the performance.
Pop videos are mainly about repetition. most of the time the video repeats the images in the way the song repeats choruses or lines.Also the repetition in songs of parts or rhythms of other songs (intexuality). so we become familiar with the genre & only have certain expectations.
pop songs and therefore videos,do have a form of closure and ending. so the three minute single builds to a climax or to a constant repetition before fading away.some videos are autonomous from the music they spring from. sometimes the videos provide a visual pleasure that encourages repeated viewing,this therefore promotes the music.
Three relations between songs and videos
  • Illustration-The video tells the story of the lyrics. For example "The script"- The Man who can't be moved.l i choose this video because in this video he is sitting on the floor and literally does not move and he also says " maybe you wont mean to, but you'll see me on the news". He is being recording by reporters as he sings that, whilst people surround him.
  • Amplification- The video introduce new meanings that do not contradict the lyrics but add layers of meaning.
  • Disjuncture- Where there is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric. " Micheal Jackson-What about us"
pop videos often have easily recognise features. The way women and men are represented so differently .women are seen as male desires. this applies to mainly heavy metal and hip hop. Madonna and beyonce watch there viewers through the camera as they cease to be passive.
Finally in some videos the different instruments in the music are represented by different objects. videos also try and appeal to a wide range audience as possible without alienating the core target audience.

1.Analysis of music video
Christina Aguilera- You lost me

i will now analysis this music video on the four key concepts .
  • Narrative
  • Genre
  • Media Language
  • Representation
Narrative- The narrative of the music video is a structured and there is a story which is being told. The story basically is about Christina and she was in a relationship but things became so bad that she has to get away from her partner. In her song she explains how she feels and says things like " we lost it all,the love is gone". the song is very emotive and moving. she tells the story by herself. she uses "powerful words like neglected and pain,deceive".
"you couldn't keep your hands to yourself". she narrates the story herself and the song has a steady equilibrium as nothing disrupts her song.
Her position in the video is in the middle she is a participant but also the narrator is she is the one telling the story to us,her audience.
finally the lyrics are deeply linked to the narrative as she is telling a story of her situation with her partner and explains to us what happened and why. she also tells us how things used to be in the past "we had magic", and how things are now. " i feel like our world has been infected".

Genre- I think that this genre is pop,however this slow and emotive and not up beat and tempo like most of her other terms of setting and location i don't think that this video is reminiscent of anything i have ever seen before as she looks very distraught confused and hurt. parts of the video are in her bedroom she is in bits on her bed narrating the story to us. then later on in the video we see her outside as she leaves the bedroom and then we see her in a forest and then her "guy" picking her up and she pushes him off . this creates the tension and tells the story with action. I do not personally think there is a certain form of iconography which helps the audience to identify what type of genre this particular song is. In this particular video Christina is in black and the colour alone has so many words which associate with it
  • Death
  • Pain
  • Darkness
  • Hidden secrets
Her costume i think does link with the genre this is because it represents how she is feeling, hurt,mistreated and betrayed. The colour black follows the pain and resentment which she now feels.finally i think the lighting affects the mood because it is not to light however very close to darkness.In one part of the video she is wearing white, this is where she hits the ultimatum of the song and becomes strong and the lighting here looks like the sun at sunset,(orangey ,kind of natural colour). this emphasises her strenght and belief. Despite the fact that the lighting is preset it still looks very natural. In one scene where she is in the bedroom the light appears to be coming through the window.

Media Language
The editing in this video i think is very creative as it is very continuous and there are a few cut aways , for example at some points in the video we see two of her on the screen. As one fades in and fades out.there is alot of repition of actions because numerous of times throughout the video we see her grab her hair,and looks down,toches her fact etc. to empahise the distruaght and trauma she is going thorugh. finally i think the video is manipulated in the fact to show the stages of pain which women may go thorugh,once relationships get bad. Finally the editing has a good effect on setting the mood and tone of the music video as it is slow and steady. The tone is relaxed and calm however painful and eye opening. Lastly i think the editing is very conventional for this genre and it does in fact work well. as it makes you feel emitonal is we mainly focus on her face as there are alot of medium close ups.

In this video the representaion of women is high but both low .This is because she has been hurt and disgraced .Makes it seem that the man is holding the upper hand as he has done her wrong and she is crumbling and breaking down because of this heart ache.The reaction of  women well christina is under the role of men. the video is saying that women get hurt deeply and it hurts them alot when they are done wrong . and it makes men look like cheating, lying dogs.From christina's point of veiw we are an observer as we are being told what happened to her,as she explains how she was done wrong.I think the audience for this video are young women .finally in this video i do not think that mulvey's quote applies as women are not seen as sex objects in this video. However the fact that she was created on and lied to and it was as if the man felt nothing.

4.Copy Right Letter.

                                                                                               Bridie Murdock
                                                                                              14 East Ferry Road
                                                                                               E14 3LA
Friday, 24th, September,2010
Syco Records
Dear Sir/ Madam

I request Copyright Permission to use the following artist Alexandra Burke's song Silence.

I am a student studying my second year of A Level Media Studies and for my Advance Portfolio; I will be working in-group to produce a promotional package for the release of a new album track. I would like to request permission to use the above artist tracks for the project.

The product will not be available for the public; though the music video maybe display to Media students at the end of term. The finish project will be used solely for coursework purposes. The holder of the original copyright will be fully acknowledged in the finish project.

If you do not hold the rights for this song, I should be grateful if you could forward this request to the appropriate person, or return it to me with contact details in order that I might approach the copyright holder directly.

Yours faithfully
Bridie Murdock

Amplification, Illustration and Disjuncture.

Amplification is when a song has layers of meaning, i have chosen is 'Chasing Pavements' by Adele. i have chosen this song because its hard to understand what she means and who the song is aimed at wheither she is chasing an ex or a current boyfriend of chasing her dream.

Disjuncture is when the song talks about self discovery, this is important as many people can relate to songs that are about real life. I have chosen is 'Love the way you Lie' by Eminem ft Rihanna. this song i believe is about self discovery because Eminem talks about how he just discovered his own strength. Also there is a good story line which makes this video Illustation as well.

Illustration is when the music video has a story line and i believe that 'Mad' by Neyo is a good song as he has had an argument with his girlfriend and he saying he does want them to go to bed mad at eachother, he wants to sort things out before its too late. And in the end we realise its a flash back and he died from  getting run over which is really sad and its from the girls point of view and how shes reflecting on what happened between them.

Lip Synch Tutorial..

This photo was taking during our Lip Synching Tutorial. After we learned how to lay the track down on to Final Cut pro and mess around a  bit , setting down markers to try and match the video to the track. After our lesson we had the chance to make our own video to the song we were given and set a list of tasks of what we needed to do. Our chosen song was 'Aint no stoping us now' by Mcfaddon and Whitehead.
As we only had over an hour to film them another hour to edit the track i would say it was rather difficult, and in our group we was all shy to get infront of the camera plus keeping to the track and learning the words was quite difficult to. but overall it was a fun experience and brought the group together and now we have an idea on what our coursework is going to be like.
Making a music video is a lot harder i believe than last years coursework on making a opening to a thriller.Also what we could of improved on was to use a variety of camera shots and making sure we had the right space above our heads. Also with the editing we could of used more shots and different shots instead of letting the track go on and one person singing after the other. We could of went from a close up to a full length shot to maybe a side shot and so on.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Analysis Of Music Video

My Chosen video is 'Get Sexy' by the Sugababes. I will be analysing this video in relation to its narrative, genre, representation and media language.

This genre of this video is Pop. We can tell because it has a very up tempo soundtrack that you would dance to and the idea of the video the video itself seems to be targeted at young people. The video appears to have been shot in a studiowith an all black background, with each girl with their own prop. The iconography which helps the audience identify the genre of the video would be the girls themselves as they are young attractive women who are dressed in little black dresses and heels. The choice of costume is also used to attract audiences. The fact that they are all made up and made to look 'sexy' as in song title would attract male attention because sexy girls has a high appeal for men. Also girls can be attracted because of the choice of fashion, hair and make-up. They may see these girls as inspiration of they may dress up like them to go out and feel they are similar to them. The video is heavily lit with the emphasis being on the girls, this is due to the fact that the video is in a studio setting and has a dark background. By doing this the girls stand out more making them the centre of attention. Also the attractive use of colours move to the beat and add emphasis to the fact its a song to dance to.

I would say that this video has a mixed structure because there isn't really a story to it. We just simply see each girl singing her verse and then become a group during the chorus. There are no disruptions or equilibriums used. The artists are all narrators. The lyrics are somewhat connected to the narrative because they are made to look sexy it goes with the song title. 

Media Language 
The video is edited to go along with the beat. There are points when the camera just shows the girls legs and bums or a close up of their faces and these are parts of the body which are regarded as being sexy. Also the fast paced flashing lights and the jerking moving of the camera add emphasis to the actual song livening thing up.

In this video the girls are represented as sexual objects with style. This because they are young and attractive. Dressing them in tight, short revealing dresses and body suits all aid in the attraction of males. The video is saying that women can be sexy and that they should be looked at and admired by men. The songs lyrics suggest that the ladies themselves are 'teases' towards men and they are encouraging women to feel sexy and be independant. 

Friday 24 September 2010

Analyse Music Video

My chosen video is Dizzy Rascal's song Holiday, and with this I will be analysing this video based on Narrative, Representation, Genre and Media Language.

The genre of this video is Pop, Dizzy use to be Grime but over the years has changed his genre to a variety to make him more versatile and has a broader audience. The reason why you can tell this is a Pop music is because there is a lot of dancing , repetition and up tempo music.
The chosen location is a mansion which shows his wealth and that he likes expensive things, he is dressed up in swim wear along with all his other guests which the vast majority of them is women in revealing swim wear. The costume goes with the theme of being by the pool having a good time. There is natural lighting as it is filmed during the day as it is meant to give off the impression that they are in a very hot country having a good time. Lastly the sun glasses Dizzy is wearing helps the audience with iconography which most rappers and grime artists wear. This is showing that he can look like a rapper but can carry off a nd sing a pop song.

This video has a clear narrative as it is talking about getting away and doing what you want and having fun. That's what this video is mainly about.... FUN and enjoying your time away.
The artist is participating in this video as he is in the crowd singing along, also this video is illustrative as it is telling a story and there no disruptions only equilibrium.

Media language:
Fast pace editing as well as normal pace is used a lot in this video which gives off a positive mood. The fast pace goes well with the song very well as there is a party going on and the camera is switching to different scenes to make it look chaotic which suits a pop video very well.

Women in this video are represented as objects, the reason why I think this is because they are wearing revealing clothes (swim wear) and it is all in aid of attracting the male audience.
Also by the way the camera is used, there are many close ups of women's body parts as they are dancing or walking around the mansion. Which makes the Laura Mulvey quote about the 'active/male and passive/female'. Unlike the women only being shown in a specific way, men are shown as a whole.

Andrew Goodwin Theory.

Andrew Goodwin has a theory on pop music, that they rely on things like repetition so the audience get hooked on to the song quicker. Also he believes that pop videos 'provide a visual pleasure' in which are split into three categories. The first is Illustration where the song tells a story, the second is Amplification which means the song has layers of meanings and lastly Dis juncture, which is about self discovery.
Also in Goodwin theory he believes that women have been costumed to appeal to a male audience by wearing revealing clothes or using seductive moves in there videos eg Rihanna and Britney Spears.