Sunday 26 September 2010

1.Analysis of music video
Christina Aguilera- You lost me

i will now analysis this music video on the four key concepts .
  • Narrative
  • Genre
  • Media Language
  • Representation
Narrative- The narrative of the music video is a structured and there is a story which is being told. The story basically is about Christina and she was in a relationship but things became so bad that she has to get away from her partner. In her song she explains how she feels and says things like " we lost it all,the love is gone". the song is very emotive and moving. she tells the story by herself. she uses "powerful words like neglected and pain,deceive".
"you couldn't keep your hands to yourself". she narrates the story herself and the song has a steady equilibrium as nothing disrupts her song.
Her position in the video is in the middle she is a participant but also the narrator is she is the one telling the story to us,her audience.
finally the lyrics are deeply linked to the narrative as she is telling a story of her situation with her partner and explains to us what happened and why. she also tells us how things used to be in the past "we had magic", and how things are now. " i feel like our world has been infected".

Genre- I think that this genre is pop,however this slow and emotive and not up beat and tempo like most of her other terms of setting and location i don't think that this video is reminiscent of anything i have ever seen before as she looks very distraught confused and hurt. parts of the video are in her bedroom she is in bits on her bed narrating the story to us. then later on in the video we see her outside as she leaves the bedroom and then we see her in a forest and then her "guy" picking her up and she pushes him off . this creates the tension and tells the story with action. I do not personally think there is a certain form of iconography which helps the audience to identify what type of genre this particular song is. In this particular video Christina is in black and the colour alone has so many words which associate with it
  • Death
  • Pain
  • Darkness
  • Hidden secrets
Her costume i think does link with the genre this is because it represents how she is feeling, hurt,mistreated and betrayed. The colour black follows the pain and resentment which she now feels.finally i think the lighting affects the mood because it is not to light however very close to darkness.In one part of the video she is wearing white, this is where she hits the ultimatum of the song and becomes strong and the lighting here looks like the sun at sunset,(orangey ,kind of natural colour). this emphasises her strenght and belief. Despite the fact that the lighting is preset it still looks very natural. In one scene where she is in the bedroom the light appears to be coming through the window.

Media Language
The editing in this video i think is very creative as it is very continuous and there are a few cut aways , for example at some points in the video we see two of her on the screen. As one fades in and fades out.there is alot of repition of actions because numerous of times throughout the video we see her grab her hair,and looks down,toches her fact etc. to empahise the distruaght and trauma she is going thorugh. finally i think the video is manipulated in the fact to show the stages of pain which women may go thorugh,once relationships get bad. Finally the editing has a good effect on setting the mood and tone of the music video as it is slow and steady. The tone is relaxed and calm however painful and eye opening. Lastly i think the editing is very conventional for this genre and it does in fact work well. as it makes you feel emitonal is we mainly focus on her face as there are alot of medium close ups.

In this video the representaion of women is high but both low .This is because she has been hurt and disgraced .Makes it seem that the man is holding the upper hand as he has done her wrong and she is crumbling and breaking down because of this heart ache.The reaction of  women well christina is under the role of men. the video is saying that women get hurt deeply and it hurts them alot when they are done wrong . and it makes men look like cheating, lying dogs.From christina's point of veiw we are an observer as we are being told what happened to her,as she explains how she was done wrong.I think the audience for this video are young women .finally in this video i do not think that mulvey's quote applies as women are not seen as sex objects in this video. However the fact that she was created on and lied to and it was as if the man felt nothing.

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