Monday 27 September 2010

Summary Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Andrew Goodwin believes that pop videos do not follow the traditional narrative analyses. He believes that pop videos aren't trying to be 'avant garde' (pushing the boundaries of what is deemed as being the norm), but that they approach narrative from a different angle as opposed to novels and films.

He believes that there are 3 reasons for different narrative structures and they are :
1. Pop videos are built around songs- and often songs to not pose traditional narrative structure
2. Pop videos use the singer as both the narrator and as a character
3.The singer often looks directly at the camera- this is an extension of music (music-hall) performance and trying to involve the viewer at home with the performance.

He said that pop videos rely on repetition and that the video who repeat itself in the same way as the song repeats choruses and lines. The repetition of song  parts have allowed audiences to become familiar with the genre making them have a certain expectation. The video would be played on TV and the song will be played on the radio, or even in adverts or even in films. This helps make the film familiar through repetition.

There are 3 types of relations between songs and videos: illustration, amplification and disjuncture

1. Illustration: this is where the video tells the story of the lyrics
2. Amplification: when the video introduce new meanings that do not contradict the lyrics but add layers of meaning.
3. Disjuncture: this is where there this is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradict the lyric

An example of Illustration : Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wana Have Fun:

An example of Amplication: 

An example of Disjuncture

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