Saturday 25 September 2010

Analysis Of Music Video

My Chosen video is 'Get Sexy' by the Sugababes. I will be analysing this video in relation to its narrative, genre, representation and media language.

This genre of this video is Pop. We can tell because it has a very up tempo soundtrack that you would dance to and the idea of the video the video itself seems to be targeted at young people. The video appears to have been shot in a studiowith an all black background, with each girl with their own prop. The iconography which helps the audience identify the genre of the video would be the girls themselves as they are young attractive women who are dressed in little black dresses and heels. The choice of costume is also used to attract audiences. The fact that they are all made up and made to look 'sexy' as in song title would attract male attention because sexy girls has a high appeal for men. Also girls can be attracted because of the choice of fashion, hair and make-up. They may see these girls as inspiration of they may dress up like them to go out and feel they are similar to them. The video is heavily lit with the emphasis being on the girls, this is due to the fact that the video is in a studio setting and has a dark background. By doing this the girls stand out more making them the centre of attention. Also the attractive use of colours move to the beat and add emphasis to the fact its a song to dance to.

I would say that this video has a mixed structure because there isn't really a story to it. We just simply see each girl singing her verse and then become a group during the chorus. There are no disruptions or equilibriums used. The artists are all narrators. The lyrics are somewhat connected to the narrative because they are made to look sexy it goes with the song title. 

Media Language 
The video is edited to go along with the beat. There are points when the camera just shows the girls legs and bums or a close up of their faces and these are parts of the body which are regarded as being sexy. Also the fast paced flashing lights and the jerking moving of the camera add emphasis to the actual song livening thing up.

In this video the girls are represented as sexual objects with style. This because they are young and attractive. Dressing them in tight, short revealing dresses and body suits all aid in the attraction of males. The video is saying that women can be sexy and that they should be looked at and admired by men. The songs lyrics suggest that the ladies themselves are 'teases' towards men and they are encouraging women to feel sexy and be independant. 

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