Sunday 26 September 2010

4.Copy Right Letter.

                                                                                               Bridie Murdock
                                                                                              14 East Ferry Road
                                                                                               E14 3LA
Friday, 24th, September,2010
Syco Records
Dear Sir/ Madam

I request Copyright Permission to use the following artist Alexandra Burke's song Silence.

I am a student studying my second year of A Level Media Studies and for my Advance Portfolio; I will be working in-group to produce a promotional package for the release of a new album track. I would like to request permission to use the above artist tracks for the project.

The product will not be available for the public; though the music video maybe display to Media students at the end of term. The finish project will be used solely for coursework purposes. The holder of the original copyright will be fully acknowledged in the finish project.

If you do not hold the rights for this song, I should be grateful if you could forward this request to the appropriate person, or return it to me with contact details in order that I might approach the copyright holder directly.

Yours faithfully
Bridie Murdock

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