Sunday 26 September 2010

2. Summary of Andrew Goodwin

Structure Of Music Video-Re thinking Narrative Analysis

He feels that traditional narrative analyse don't really apply to pop video's. This is mainly because they approach narrative from a different angle to novels and films.
The reason for the different narrative structures are
  • Pop videos are mainly built around songs. they don't pose traditional narrative structures(normality problem - resolution)
  • The pop videos use the singer as the narrator and character
  • the singer always keeps eye contact with the camera,this extends the performance, this is because it involves the viewer with the performance.
Pop videos are mainly about repetition. most of the time the video repeats the images in the way the song repeats choruses or lines.Also the repetition in songs of parts or rhythms of other songs (intexuality). so we become familiar with the genre & only have certain expectations.
pop songs and therefore videos,do have a form of closure and ending. so the three minute single builds to a climax or to a constant repetition before fading away.some videos are autonomous from the music they spring from. sometimes the videos provide a visual pleasure that encourages repeated viewing,this therefore promotes the music.
Three relations between songs and videos
  • Illustration-The video tells the story of the lyrics. For example "The script"- The Man who can't be moved.l i choose this video because in this video he is sitting on the floor and literally does not move and he also says " maybe you wont mean to, but you'll see me on the news". He is being recording by reporters as he sings that, whilst people surround him.
  • Amplification- The video introduce new meanings that do not contradict the lyrics but add layers of meaning.
  • Disjuncture- Where there is little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric. " Micheal Jackson-What about us"
pop videos often have easily recognise features. The way women and men are represented so differently .women are seen as male desires. this applies to mainly heavy metal and hip hop. Madonna and beyonce watch there viewers through the camera as they cease to be passive.
Finally in some videos the different instruments in the music are represented by different objects. videos also try and appeal to a wide range audience as possible without alienating the core target audience.

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