Friday 14 January 2011

Evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisement).
There were no links which were made between the video and my ancillary texts. The ancillary texts and the video i feel had no connection despite the fact of them both containing a flower, just of different type. In the video there was a pattern kept of my artist wearing the grey jumper, the only time her clothes changed was when my artist threw a rose for her friend. I personally feel no conventions are broken however all kept and used in numerous ways.There is only a clear link between the advertisement and my didgipak, but not between my digipak,advertisment and my video. Besides my artists picture and recognising her face i do not feel the design would notify them of it being the same artist between the video and digipak.

I think that my ancillary texts are successful and my audience maybe attracted to them, as they are very bold and bright. They both link very well together. I feel my targeted audience would be attracted to them however i feel the bold colours would also attract other audience types.

As you can see from the screen shot from the video there is no red in the video however the occurance of black. The top which the artist wear. I did not realise however it is linked to the advertisement , which has the same colour linked to the digipak. (black).

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    What about the image of the artist being the link? Consider your audience and there need to see there artist on the cover.

    If you didn't break conventions explain how you conformed to them.

