Friday 7 January 2011

An Example of advertisments which relate to my genre

This is a example of brightly coloured poster which was used for the advertisment of katy perry's album. this poster is very simple and it is also very colourful and catces the eye of those who pass it. It has a very large photo of the artist and all the information which is needed for the fans to know how to buy her album when it is released.The release date is in bold big bright writting so it is clear to see by its veiwers. I think this advertisement is really good and uses colours well in advertising the album of the artist.
This relates to my genre as katy perry is also a pop artist and my artist was also a pop artist however i do not think my poster will be a colour full as this one as i think that katy perry represents the colourful side of things. for example her video. california girls. I think this video is best and relates to this poster for album advertisment best.Finally the arrangment and assorment of colours help promotion for the album.

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