Friday 21 January 2011

final Question 4

Receiving feedback from my class was very influential. As it helped me decided what i would in fact change if i did it again. Mostly the comments where very positive. Some of the feedback we got was:
"Editing transitions were good"
"Black and white scenes worked well, and the story line was portrayed well "
"Lighting in The studio was good."
"The close up's emphasise the artists true emotion".
"Strong Narrative".

From my audience feedback , i learnt that one thing that appeals to you may not appeal to everyone else . Not everyone sees everything through the same way or in the same light.

To be honest if i had to change anything about my video i think i would probably add a lot more to it , but i do not wether this would change the simplicity of the narrative. I think the way we portrayed it now was really good.But there is always room for improvement. I would change certain lighting aspects and maybe spend more time on the video, and try and include all ideas because we did change our minds a lot. I would like to see if we had combined all our ideas together what i final product would be like.

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