Saturday 15 January 2011

Question 4

I feel that the audience reacted to my video very well. I was worried that people would not understand the concept of the video and what happens at the end but it was clear that they understood it because they said 'awww' afterwards. 

Some comments were made about the lighting and consistency or our studio shots. People said that the lighting kept changing and that in some shots Marilyn was wearing headphones and in the next shot she wasn't. I would say that this we couldn't be helped because of the fact that after we watched the 1st shots of her with the headphones on we realised they were too dark so we added the light, then we had to use the dark shots because we needed more variety. Also we had a problem with varieties of shots in the studio and this was because the studio itself was only big enough for 1 person. We tried to film from different angles but because there was not enough room we ended up with shots that were too close, also the soundproofing on the wall was peeling off on all but 1 side of the wall so we tried to not get that in the shot because we didn't want the video looking cheap and nasty. Next time we will make sure that we check out our location for the filming in advance so that changes can made if appropriate. I think the input of the audience is  very important because if this was real they would be the ones who would be buying my products so hearing what they have to say means that you can meet their demands which is what you are aiming to do. 


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1 comment:

  1. Hello Dionne
    This is a nice reflection - a great start. I look forward to hearing a little more and seeing the wordle/video.
