Friday 7 January 2011

Idea for my digipak

Fonts Ideas
A few examples of fonts which i may use however for my album cover i think that a curly ended font would be better for my digipak. I also had to take into consideration wether my audience would be able to read my digipak names and the information whicvh it would contain. But i also had to make sure that it was attractive and eye catching in order for my product to sell.

I wanted to make a link between my colours due to my music video.However i realised that my album would contain a different numbers of songs, there fore i decided that black and red would be most apporiate for my digipak and also my advertisment to make a link or keep the pattern going.

I am not sure as in to which layout i am going to use. A portrait poster would be this is because it would be able to go in more places. In comparriosn to a landscape poster tha could nly go on the back page more or less and i would ike my poster to be everywhere and to be see by alot of people.
Finally i really want my adverts to be seen by alot of people and i want my artists cd to sell.

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