Friday 14 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 2

Question 2:
How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisements)?
My digipak consisted of a close up of the artists face, with a floral patten and of course the artists name 'Marie' and the album name 'In a Perfect World'. The colours i used were black, white and cream which works well with the video because we used both colour and black and white throughout the track. I believe the colours used is both feminine and will attract a teen audience as well as a more sophisticated audience . On the back cover there is another close up of the artists face and a list of songs. Inside the digipak i have taken the rose from the video and incorporated it in my digipak to connect them. The close up in the video is very important as it connects the audience to the artist and we have used a close up through out the chorus as it is out main shot.
This shot is off my digipak and as you can see its a close up.

Both roses used here connect with each other as one of the images has been taken from the video itself and the other has been used for the inside of the digipak so it shows that they are connected. 

The front cover of my digipak i have used on my advertisement so it is easily recognised, and also i have included information that  it is a new album and that she will be on tour. I got my idea from the Cheryl Cole advert for her new album 'Messy Little Raindrops' as it is very simple and will attract a lot of people because if your advert contains a lot of writing not many people will have time to read it while walking past.

Overall the audience should be able to link the video to the advertisement and digipak because of the rose and also in the video there are loads of close ups of the artist in the studio and both digipak and advertisement also have a close up of the artists face to.I believe that both my main product and ancillary texts are successful because the video shows a good story line of the relationship between two friends and the loss of one of them and the memories they share. Also the with the digipak i wanted to portray some sort of innocence by using a close up which would connect it to the video and the recurring close up in the video and ancillary texts really is pushing for some sort of connection with the audience. 
The audience are very important as you have to please them if you want them to buy your album. I have tried to focus both video, digipak and advertisement to aim it at young teenage girls and anyone who has lost a friend. And where the song was taken from Kings of Leon it may attract there audience also. Maybe not so much the colours used would attract a male audience but they could buy it for a girl friend or sister.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bridie
    A couple of points to note: You mention that cream, black and pink would appeal to teens - Phil and I feel that cream and black together really do have a more older more sophisticated air to them, rather than appealing to a teen audience. You could reflect back and say that you feel that in actual fact the colour scheme doesn't quite work - or that it is for a slightly older audience that does not have any obvious 'youth' elements to it.
    You make several references to the use of 'close-up' but don't say why close-ups are important to music videos and ancillary products. This is very important - close-ups are repeated throughout music videos and used on ancillary work so that the artist's face is known and it's also about creating a relationship between the audience and the artist.
    Finally - there are rather a lot of large spaces inside your blog for this question - you may need to delete a couple of empty lines.
