Friday 14 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 4

Question 4:     
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Clip one:

Clip 2 and 3:

Clip one:
The first clip is from the audience feed back when the students went to the cinema to view all the A2 media music videos. It was good to get this feedback because it was viewed by students who have never seen it before and they managed to get the message that we was trying to put across in the video. This student said he particularly enjoyed the ending with the rose as he thought it was very effective.

Clip 2 & 3
Both clips are feed back from a teacher and student which i recorded after they watched my groups video in class. They had a lot of good and bad views of our video.
Many said they liked the use of close ups as it builds a relationship between the audience and artist.  Others said the lighting was quite poor in some of the studio shots . Also one boy commented and said one of the fades we used was too long.
This is a written feed back from a student. The main comment i want to point out is that they said the lighting and shots in the studio was good and it strongly shows off the performer. Also another comment i want to make is that one student focused on the narrative of the video and how is flowed and matched the conventions.

This is a student from my media class her comments on my digipak is that " it works well and that it connects to the video as there is many close ups and by having a close up on her digipak make the artist easily recognised" but also the student said that the colours i used would attract a older audience rather than a young teenage audience"

The same student also commented on my advertisement. She said that " the text is very clear and can be easily read and by adding the front of the digipak cover to the advert promotes the album and can be easily recognised in the shop. But on criticism is that the colour scheme of the advert does not match the digipak, where the advertisement is more pop princess aimed at a teen audience while the digipak is aim at a modern older audience"

My comments:
My opinion on these comments is that they are very understandable and i get there point fully. I've looked back on both of my media products and if i could go back i would change the lighting in the studio scene to make it much brighter so you can see the artist clearly as well as adding a variety of shots. Also i would change the colour scheme of my digipak and advertisement to make them matching.
I have learned lots from while making these products such as how to use the soft ware in more detail and also we was put in completely different groups which was scary at first because we didn't know each other but we worked as a team a pulled though in making the dead lines of the tasks we were given. When starting to make the music video we had a different idea to our end product, originally we planned to have flashing pictures of couples then changed it to a friendship of three friends to our final idea of the artist reflecting on her memories of her and her close friend who died. Also with the digipak i kept the idea of having a rose in it but i also wanted a picture of the artist looking vulnerable but on the front of my digipak she looks strong. But overall i believe the changes we made worked out for the best because it wasn't a typical story line.


> You can see the change from a relationship to a friendship.


Group 34


  1. Hello
    You will need to explain why you've put these videos as it's not immediately clear how they relate to the question. And more importantly remember that the question is asking you to say 'what you've learned from' your audience feedback, rather than just showing what that feedback was.

  2. oh i havent finished it yet i posted it so i could see how the videos would come out sorry.
